FFVII Episodes – Opinion

Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek

Re: FFVII’s new episodic nature.

Lets do a run down, shall we?

So, first up; business and economics. We know that a split version of FFVII will allow SE to gross more than if it were just a single version. This in turn generates more revenue for the franchise, and shows continued interest in development of FFVII. This then allows tem to expand the later episodes and add in more detail. The episode format also allows them to add in extra content to each section as DLC, if needed, and allows for easier distribution due to smaller downloads per secion. If they remade everything in the original game (they’re not, but they’re still making a frakkin’ huge game), then it would be simply too large for people to feasibly download and install.

Next, Storyline. The original game lends itself well to the idea of being split into individual sections: The first disc ran over-long compared with discs one and two, so i can see it being sectioned up – but the other discs bookended the story very well from one to the next. I can see the first 10 hours in Midgar being its own episode entirely, and that would make sense: the original left a lot of loose ends when they just left for Kalm. So, yes, i think it does make sense, and i do think the original storyline easily supports it. Maybe the flashback will be it’s own episode? we wont know until we can see how big the first episode is.

Finally, Content – does it support it? Is it necessary? Of course it does, and it sure is! There were so many unheard stories, so many hinted-at adventures that happened off-screen in FFVII, that if we can now hear those stories via Focussed Episodes, extra narrative viewpoints, or extra content in some way, then I’m happy. If it actually allows them to fully explore the world they created in the 90’s, to focus in on the individual stories with more detail in each episode, then I’m all for it.

So, to quickly recap:

Story supports being split up
Allows for more focussed content in each episode instead of a broad overview
Episodes mean smaller downloads, easier to distribute
Makes more money for the company leading to better development on later episodes
More opportunities for DLC + expanded story

So, my verdict? This is a good thing, and I’m kind of excited about it. Sometimes, change is for the better.

Will I be made to eat my words by SE?

Almost certainly.

Some new works

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming

new cosmo tiny

opportunism 2-5-small


ultimecia's castle-5-small

New Store – Society6/ReverendRyu

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

12774286_15111422-mugs11f_l 12773620_2683781-sknmb_b 12772591_11994456-iphone5a_b 12773116_14416093-rgv23_b 12773315_3134805-clkfnhw_l

Have you always wanted something a little different to decorate the house with? How about a Final Fantasy Rug? or a Chocobo Racing Wall Clock? or a Midgar themed Shower Curtain?

Well, now, thanks to Society6, you can now buy these items, and a great many more! New items will be added periodically, so watch this space!

New Design – Cosmo Canyon Remix

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming

Cosmo Canyon Remix - ReverendRyu

It’s been so long since I created original Cosmo Canyon design; so I decided to give it a modern overhaul! I hope you like this updated design as much as I enjoyed making it!

Buy your copy here – My Redbubble Store!

New Item – RedBubble Racerback Tee

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

Choco-Bull Energy DrinkMidgar Iron SkyQuarks

Want to keep fit, but love Final Fantasy so much you wish you could take it with you to the gym? Or are you wishing you were at a certain Ferengi’s bar? Well now the fitness-minded amongst you can show your Chocobo pride with a Racerback Tee – perfect for those evenings on the treadmill dreaming of Midgar!

Grab yours now from my Store!

New Design – Chocobo Racing League

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

***************  NEW DESIGN  ******************

Can’t get enough of our favourite feathered companions? Me neither! Show your love for our flighty friends with this awesome new tee; guaranteed to show all those around you who the real Chocobo Champion really is!


Update – Redbubble New Items

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

Redbubble have launched a new line of Tote bags, which are now available in stores! So don’t delay, swing on by and grab yourself a new bag today!


Update – Choco-Bull Poster Refresh

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

Just updated my Choco-Bull poster – Now shinier than ever! Feel free to purchase at the link!


All the Final Fantasy Merchandise you could dream of!

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General


If you’re ever looking for that perfect Final Fantasy gift, then pop by my store – over 150 designs, almost every one of them a geek or gamer reference. Perfect for the nerdy-other-half, or just a little something for your own materia quest!


I know I’ve already shared this – but hey, an artist’s gotta eat, right?

New Design – Chocobo Racing League Medal

Art, Final Fantasy, Gaming, Geek, General

Check my new piece, a reprise of an earlier Golden chocobo work – the Chocobo Racing League Tee! Available in all the shapes & sizes Redbubble usually offer.

Grab your copy here – http://www.redbubble.com/people/reverendryu